MARCH 2021

Clawhammer Banjo Basics for Beginners

Saturday March 20th - 5:00pm to 6:00pm

Clawhammer Banjo Basics for Beginners MAR2021.jpg

Join us for our Upcoming Clawhammer Banjo Basics Workshop on Saturday, March 20th from 5pm to 6pm!

Our Clawhammer Banjo Basics Workshop will focus on beginner old-time banjo skills, with an emphasis on perfecting the foundation of playing clawhammer banjo - the "bum-ditty" strum. We will also learn how to get started using your left hand by learning a basic melody and your first 3 chords. Participants will learn the basics and be given exercises and tips for continued exploration and education.

This workshop is for the complete beginner (you don't even need to own your own banjo - just borrow one from our shop for an additional $5). Workshop cost is only $20, pre-registration and pre-payment are required, and space is limited to only 8 participants, so be sure to call today to register - (812)200-3300!

Face coverings will be required in our shop at all times and we will be observing social distancing guidelines and sanitizing procedures to ensure the health and safety of all participants. Thanks for your understanding and for your commitment to keep Brown County healthy and safe!